I started The Mindful Muslim in 2015 at a time when I felt an itch to do something useful.
This was the year of the Charlie Hebdo shooting, the beginning of the end of the Obama era, and the aftermath of yet another criminal war by the Israeli occupation in Gaza in 2014. It was a decade of peak liberalism, before the latest resurgence of socialism had fully taken root. I found myself frustrated with the mainstream rhetoric of the time—the unchallenged dogma of capitalism, the racist ideas about Muslims and Islam that are often internalized by Muslims themselves, and the flavor of atheism/agnosticism popularized by many influential figures, many of whom scientists and beloved science communicators.
The Mindful Muslim became a place for me to organize and channel my thoughts over the years on these topics and more: as a Muslim, as a leftist, as a woman, as an Arab in the west, as a scientist and an engineer.
I’m Noran. I’m a software engineer living in London.